Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Maybe I Should Start Painting...

I thought I'd continue from my last post and so I created a list of all of the models that i have (and want) to paint up to at least finish my two 40k armies: Tyranids and Night Lords. My 'nids are painted in the colours of Hive Fleet Behemoth and I intend to really deck out my Chaos marines to the best of my abilities. Not to say I'm an awesome painter but I'd really like them to stand out a bit.

That'll come eventually... Anyway, another list of stuff to do. Awesome.

Oh and btw,

green = painted and based
yellow = primed
orange = bought and built
red = unbought


Hive Tyrant
Tyrant Guard x2
Tyranid Prime
Hive Guard x4
Genestealers x16
Tyranid Warriors x4
Mycetic Spore
Termagants x60
Hormagaunts x24
Gargoyles x20
Raveners x4
Zoanthropes x3
Spore Mines x11

Night Lords

Kados Zhal (Reclusiarch)
Talon Guard (Honour Guard) x5
Possessed Apothecaries (Sanguinary Priest) x2
Atrox Dreadnought (Furioso Dreadnought)
Raptor Squad (Assault Squad) x40
Primor Veros Squad (Vanguard Veteran Squad) x10
Rhinos x3
Chaos Terminators x5
Noise Marines x5
Khorne Berzerkers 9
Daemon Prince

Whew... that's not very much green. Granted most of my tyranids are technically painted. I just want to put finishing touches on the carapaces of most of them. Hopefully I can get some of these guys finished up, maybe this week at some point. I just have to learn to break things up into small chunks and not look at the big picture so often

Feel free to send a comment with what you're working on!

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