Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chaos and the Night Lords - Part 2

All right, so now that I've decided on what I don't want, how do I decide on what I do want? Simple! Choose something cool. Or more specifically, decide on a theme. I've always felt that Night Lords fed on fear and terror, so therefore they should be damn scary. And what's more scary than having a hulking armored brute pounce on you from the shadowy darkness from above? Yep, Jump Packs. And lots of them. In fact, I'd like a list full of crazed warp-spawn flying at my opponent with lightning claws itching to slice and dice.

As I've said before I'd like to use the Blood Angels codex to represent my Night Lords. Since BA armies can take Assault squads as troops its very fitting for what I want to do.

Well, onto the list!

Kados Zhal, Terromaster of the 9th Company
Reclusiarch w/ Jump Pack

Noctis Talon Guard
Honor Guard x5 w/ Jump Packs and 2 power swords
Blood Champion w/ power weapon and combat shield

Cenobite Apothecaries
Sanguinary Priest x2 w/ Jump Packs

Atrox Dreadnought
Furioso Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons in a Drop Pod w/ Locator Beacon

Raptor Squad Sike
Assault Squad x10 w/ 2 meltaguns and power fist

Raptor Squad Braz
Assault Squad x10 w/ 2 meltaguns and power fist

Raptor Squad Dezor
Assault Squad x10 w/ 2 flamers and power fist

Raptor Squad Cerux
Assault Squad x10 w/ 2 flamers and power fist

Primor Veros Squad
Vanguard Veteran Squad x5 with Jump Packs, 1 power weapon and a pair of lightning claws

Primor Veros Squad
Vanguard Veteran Squad x5 with Jump Packs, 1 power weapon and a pair of lightning claws

And that's 2000 points. And almost as many jump packs. This list offers tons of conversion opportunities as well. I intend to use a combination of Chaos and Space Marine bits, Fantasy Chaos Warrior bits and whatever else strikes my fancy! Comments are welcome below as always.

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