Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tyranid List Changes

Tyranids Trygon Mawloc Box Plastic Warhammer 40k
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. The addition of a baby boy to my family has made life quite hectic but very much enjoyable!
Anyway, I've decided to change up my Tyranid list a little bit, swapping out the hormagaunts and changing some of the units around. Here's the new one:

Swarmlord - 280 points

Tyrant Guard x2 - 130 points
Lash Whips

Tyranid Prime - 110 points
Scything Talons
Dual Boneswords
Adrenal Glands
Toxin Sacs

Hive Guard x3 - 150 points

Zoanthrope x2 - 175 points
Mycetic Spore w/ Barbed Strangler

Termagants x14 - 70 points

Termagants x14 - 70 points

Tervigon - 195 points
Toxin Sacs
Adrenal Glands

Genestealers x8 - 136 points
Toxin Sacs

Tyranid Warriors x3 - 150 points
Scything Talons
Dual Boneswords
Adrenal Glands
Toxin Sacs

Gargoyles x19 - 114 points

Trygon - 210 points
Adrenal Glands

Trygon - 210 points
Adrenal Glands

Hive Guard - I added these for more light anti-tank support and I wanted to give the new unit a try.

Genestealers - These guys can outflank and hopefully wreak havoc in my opponents deployment zone.

Gargoyles - One big unit of gargoyles has to be better than two small ones right?

Tyranid Prime and Warriors - This is the main change that I feel really steps this list up. Previously I had these guys kitted out for shooting but they're much better as close combat monsters. The Prime will beef up their WS and dual boneswords will absolutely mow down whatever is thrown at them.

Should be fun! Hopefully I'll be able to test this list out next week. Look for a battle report then!

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