Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Maybe I Should Start Painting...

I thought I'd continue from my last post and so I created a list of all of the models that i have (and want) to paint up to at least finish my two 40k armies: Tyranids and Night Lords. My 'nids are painted in the colours of Hive Fleet Behemoth and I intend to really deck out my Chaos marines to the best of my abilities. Not to say I'm an awesome painter but I'd really like them to stand out a bit.

That'll come eventually... Anyway, another list of stuff to do. Awesome.

Oh and btw,

green = painted and based
yellow = primed
orange = bought and built
red = unbought


Hive Tyrant
Tyrant Guard x2
Tyranid Prime
Hive Guard x4
Genestealers x16
Tyranid Warriors x4
Mycetic Spore
Termagants x60
Hormagaunts x24
Gargoyles x20
Raveners x4
Zoanthropes x3
Spore Mines x11

Night Lords

Kados Zhal (Reclusiarch)
Talon Guard (Honour Guard) x5
Possessed Apothecaries (Sanguinary Priest) x2
Atrox Dreadnought (Furioso Dreadnought)
Raptor Squad (Assault Squad) x40
Primor Veros Squad (Vanguard Veteran Squad) x10
Rhinos x3
Chaos Terminators x5
Noise Marines x5
Khorne Berzerkers 9
Daemon Prince

Whew... that's not very much green. Granted most of my tyranids are technically painted. I just want to put finishing touches on the carapaces of most of them. Hopefully I can get some of these guys finished up, maybe this week at some point. I just have to learn to break things up into small chunks and not look at the big picture so often

Feel free to send a comment with what you're working on!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Return and the To Do List

As part of my return to blogging and wargaming, I felt it would be helpful to give myself a list of all of the things that I want to get done or continue with. I love to-do and check lists for this kind of thing since crossing something off is very gratifying to me. It feels really great to finish something, take it off the list and know that you completed one of your goals. Even if it's just a small one it still feels like a victory. Ok, onto the list!

Buy the rest of my Tyranids and Night Lords armies

As always, the biggest hurdle is going to actually buy the models since I don't necessarily have the funds to spend on plastic and metal miniatures at the moment. Most likely I'll be scouring eBay for deals and this will probably mean I'll have to break out the paint stripper. This isn't so bad since it can be quite a bit cheaper than buying new models, but it's definitely much more time consuming. I don't have much of either these days with work and kids, but money is much more hard to come by.

I've got most of the figures for these armies. I'll have a future post to show what I actually have already. I've written about my 2000 point lists for both my Tyranids and Night Lords lists I'd like to try out. I'm sure these lists are going to evolve some since it's been quite a while since I've actually been able to play a game.

Convert and paint my Tyranids and Night Lords armies

This shouldn't be too bad once I get started. As I said in the previous point, I'll post on what I have finished already. Suffice to say for now that I've much more Tyranids finished than I do Night Lords.

I've mostly finished the converting for my Tyranids and they're well on their way to being finished (minus the models that I've yet to get of course). My Night Lords on the other hand still need quite a bit of work. Most of the army has jump packs. Well actually, all of them except for the one Dreadnought in a drop pod, so I still need to get at least 20 more jump pack bits or assault marines. I'd also like to have some nicer paint jobs, especially for the helmets. Reading Soul Hunter and Blood Reaver has really inspired me lately.

Decide on a 35 point Cryx list and paint it

Lately I've been looking into Warmachine and Hordes and my black little heart has fallen in love with the Cryx models from Privateer Press. I always seem to gravitate towards the evil side and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I never get to be evil in real life... Anyway, I've already picked up the battle box that includes Deneghra, a Slayer, two Deathrippers, and a Defiler and a box of Mechanithralls. I've not quite decided on what I want for my first 35 point list and I'd like to find a few other gamers to play a couple intro games with so I can learn the rules a bit better. I do have my eye on a few units from the army, but getting the models will take time of course. 

Build terrain (both fantasy and sci-fi)

I've never built any terrain before but I know I'd love to have some lying around for any games that I'd be playing at my place. I'm not going to be getting too fancy with this; it'll most likely be terrain and buildings made out of things like large coffee cans, plastic containers, etc. Something else that I've noticed is that a lot of pet stores have decorative pieces for fish tanks, which seems quite perfect for cheap, ready-made terrain and obstacles like trees, rocks and buildings.  

Build a gaming table

This is the one that's going to take a long while to do. Currently I don't own a house and am only renting. My current place has a basement where I could store something, but I'd have to figure out a good way to actually build a table and keep it safe/hide it from my wife. It definitely would have to be light and be able to fold up for storage. I have a few ideas floating around already, but this is most likely going to be the last thing on my list. 

Play more games

This is something that I've been neglecting for quite a while. I've stayed in touch with my gaming buddy over the years and we've both been itching for an all out war against each other. I've just been too busy lately with work and kids, nor have I had the time or money to get my Tyranid and Night Lords armies finished. Once I get my Tyranids finished I'm going to definitely try to make time to get in a few games against his loyalist scum.

Post more often

I've started doing this already! And this is definitely my longest post so far on this blog. Like it is with painting, as long as I start doing it consistently it'll get much easier to keep doing it. Writing these posts also helps me to collect my thoughts and provides a really good outlet to get my ideas out in the open.

I know I'm going to have much more stuff to do in the future, especially since there's always new stuff coming out that is going to distract me. I'm looking at you Dark Eldar! I'll just have to work on limiting myself to one thing at a time and actually start completing the projects that I do start.

Share any goals you might have in the comments below. I love to hear what people are working on!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Slight Break...

Phew well that was quite the break. My son has just turned 8 months the other day and hopefully I'll have more time to dedicate to this blog. Possibly even get a game or two in with a couple friends.

Well a good thing about taking a break is that there is a ton of new stuff when you come back, so stay tuned for my thoughts on the new rumours of 6th edition, Necrons and hopefully at some point a new Chaos Marines codex. One day they'll come out with Night Lords legion rules... One day... Until then I'll just have to keep plugging away at this counts-as Blood Angels army. Maybe I'll even get them fully painted and finally post some pics! Ho ho what a thought that is!